Notes on the iTunes LP example ================================= The example provides an iTunes LP with the following features: - a Home screen - a Photos screen with a sliding list of images - a Videos screen that shows thumbnails - Liner Notes and Credits screens with scrolling content - a Song List screen - a Lyrics screen for each song Quick start ----------- Here's how you can quickly adapt this example to create an iTunes LP. - Create an icon for the iTunesArtwork file. - Edit the manifest.xml and iTunesMetadata.plist files. - Design the seven screens: Home, Song List, Lyrics, Photos, Videos, Liner Notes, Credits. - Design an extremely large image to be used as the "bleed" (the overflow around the 1280x720px main screen area). Replace images/interface/bleed.png with your image. If you are changing the file type (to JPG) make sure you also change the reference to the file in the CSS. - Replace the background images in the appropriate directories under images/screenname/background.jpg. - Edit controllers/data.js to add your own background audio loop, as well as the number of photos, links to videos, and the details on the songs within the album. - Design interface elements for any navigable elements on the screens (e.g. home, back, arrows, play, etc). Also note that anything which is interactive should have two images - one for the active and one for the non-active state. You should be able to find all such images by looking in the package. - Don't worry too much if you need to create images that are not exactly the same size as the existing template. You'll edit the CSS for each screen to position the images anyway. However, you should ensure that the active and non-active images are the same size, or they will appear to move as they gain focus. - Now it is time to start editing the CSS. For UI buttons, the style is completely controlled by the CSS corresponding to the page. Some interactive elements, such as the photos sliders and page controls, are styled partly by CSS and partly by Javascript. For example, the scaling effect seen in the photos screen is found in CSS, but the distance between adjacent images is defined in Javascript. In most cases it should be fairly clear what each property is doing - but make sure you look at the slidingViewData and pageControlData in Javascript.