If someone is repeatedly mean to you or others online, that’s cyberbullying. Imagery containing nudity can be used to bully. It’s not your fault. No one deserves to be treated cruelly or made to feel uncomfortable.
If you are being cyberbullied:
- Stay calm, and don’t retaliate. Responding in anger can escalate and prolong the situation.
- You do not need to respond. If someone sends you an inappropriate image or content that makes you uncomfortable, you can get help.
- Ask the person to stop. If they don’t, block or mute the account.
- Save the evidence. Take a screenshot of the content. Report the content, and block or mute the account. If you think the person goes to your school, you can report the cyberbullying to a teacher, the school counsellor or the principal.
- Reach out for help. Talk to a trusted adult and friends for support.
If you’re aware of someone being cyberbullied:
- Keep cool. You can stand up for a friend, but never retaliate.
- Show your support. If possible, send a kind message to the person being cyberbullied.
- If the targeted person goes to your school, let them know you have their back.