Translation & Privacy

The Translate app and System-wide translation are designed to protect your information and enable you to choose what you share.

The audio and text (including text recognised in images) you choose to have translated are sent to Apple to process your requests. Your requests are associated with a random, rotating identifier, not your Apple ID, email address or other data Apple may have from your use of other Apple services. By default, Apple stores transcripts of your audio interactions and your text inputs for two years and may review a subset of these transcripts. The small subset of requests that have been reviewed may be kept beyond two years, for ongoing improvement of Translate, System-wide translation and other natural language processing features such as Siri.

Translate should not be relied on in circumstances where you could be harmed or injured, in high-risk situations, for navigation, or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.

You can help to improve Translate’s voice translation by allowing Apple to store and review your audio interactions by opting in to Improve Siri & Dictation. To do so, go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Analytics & Improvements and tap to turn on Improve Siri & Dictation.

Published Date: September 12, 2022