The Apple Online Store makes it easy to keep thousands of products at your fingertips. Find something that interests you? Simply add it to your Saved Items.
Almost ready to place an order? Just build a Bag with the items you’d like to purchase, and save it for later. You can even share your Saved Bag with a friend or colleague via email.
Save a product to your Saved Items list
To keep track of products you are interested in purchasing later, save them to your Saved Items.
For many of our products, you can save an item while viewing the product details. Simply click the “Save” button with the folder icon.
You can also save an item after adding it to your Bag, by clicking the “Add to Bag” button. In the “Items in Your Order” section of the “Bag” page, click the "Move to saved items" link.
To view or edit your Saved Items list, in the “Account” drop-down menu at the top of the Apple Online Store, click the “Saved Items” link.
Sign in to save a Bag
You’ll need to sign in with your Apple ID and password to save items or Bags for later. Your Apple ID allows us to connect you with your saved items or Bags when you return to the store. You won't need to enter billing or credit card information until you are ready to buy.
If you have questions about your Apple ID, please visit the Your Account section of online Help. If you do not have an Apple ID, you can create an Account in a few easy steps.
Save a Bag for later
If you are almost ready to order, you can build a Bag and save it for later. You can save as many Bags as you like, and can share them via email with a friend or colleague.
First, build your Bag:
- While viewing an item on the Apple Online Store, add it to your Bag by clicking the “Add to Bag” button.
- You can also move items from your Saved Items list to your Bag. Simply view your Saved Items list and click the “Add to Bag” button for the items you’re interested in purchasing.
To save your Bag for later:
- While on the “Bag” page, in the “Bag Summary” section, click the “Save” button with the plus sign.
- Next, sign in with your Apple ID and password, and your Bag will display on your Saved Bags list.
Your Saved Bag will be automatically associated with a unique Bag ID Number, beginning with “SC” (e.g., SC123456). You can also edit the name of your Saved Bag (e.g., “Mother’s Day”), change the quantity of an item, remove an item, calculate estimated taxes and shipping, view estimated ‘Ships’ and ‘Delivers’ information, and more.
Access your saved Bags
To access your Saved Bags list, in the “Account” drop-down menu, click the “Saved Bags” link. From here, you can:
- Delete a Saved Bag: Find the Bag you would like to delete, and click the blue "Delete Saved Bag" link under the Bag ID Number.
- Purchase a Saved Bag: Ready to purchase? Click on the Bag’s name, and click the "Add All to Bag" button. In the “Bag Summary” section, click the “Check Out Now” button.