“Lincoln’s Dilemma,” a four-part documentary series, is a fresh exploration of President Lincoln and the complex journey to end slavery. Narrated by Jeffrey Wright and featuring the voices of Bill Camp as Abraham Lincoln and Leslie Odom Jr. as Frederick Douglass, the series is a 21st century examination of a complicated man and the people and events that shaped his evolving stance on slavery. All four parts of “Lincoln’s Dilemma” will premiere globally on Friday, February 18 on Apple TV+.
Release Date
February 18, 2022
Production Companies
EDEN Productions
Kunhardt Films
Cast & Crew
Jeffrey Wrightas Narrator
Bill Campas Abraham Lincoln
Leslie Odom Jr.as Frederick Douglass
Jacqueline Olive
Executive Producer
Barak Goodman
Executive Producer
Peter Kunhardt
Executive Producer
Teddy Kunhardt
Executive Producer
Trailers & Videos
Official Trailer
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Press Contacts
Janice Aguilar-Herrero
Dustin Smith
Susana Voets