Blind is a professional community where verified employees have honest, anonymous conversations about their work-life challenges. Join over 10 million...
People who are blind or have low vision now have three powerful tools in one with Be My Eyes. Worldwide more than half a million people who are blind use...
Meet new people whenever you want. Make 100% anonymous calls, add friends and have fun. Free real-time voice calls with real people. You will never feel...
Fishbowl is where professionals go to connect and talk in a new era of remote work. Choose from thousands of Industry, Community or Company Bowls...
In Jingle Quiz, test your knowledge of advertising jingles and theme songs that you hear every day on the radio and TV. Can you recognize the world's...
"Blind Dating Chosen by 500,000 People: Blurry" No rating based on appearance, safe anonymous chatting Serious, substantial blind dating On Blurry, you...
Vision uses Artificial Intelligence in real time to identify objects, money, colors, approximate distances, read text and more; all through your phone's...
Supersense is the smartest and simplest scanner app made for the blind and visually impaired users to read any text format, currency or product details...
Audio Game Hub 2 introduces 4 new games to the award winning Audio Game Hub with a fresh instalment of new features and sensational sound-effects! Audio...